“We’re so grateful. We will use it and we will treasure it. It is a magnificent gift!”
— Pat Robertson, Founder, Regent University
“Having direct access to such an important historical copy of the Torah will enable students to connect to the rich heritage of Biblical transmission and translation work. This will affirm their appreciation of the scriptures as God’s inspired, authoritative word.”
— Craig Williford, President, Multnomah University
“From high school students to the church seniors group, it has been our privilege to share the Torah’s story with intrigued visitors who leave with a greater sense of God’s divine protection of his word through the ages.”
— David and Sandy Clark, Bethel Seminary
“I’m incredibly humbled looking at this text. Imagine what this says about the role of the word of God amongst God’s people—in this case, the Jewish people reading, loving, and preserving the Torah and perhaps defending it with their lives.”
— Al Mohler, President, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“This Torah scroll will allow students to have more active engagement with the spirit of God as it speaks to them through the word of God.”
— Ed Hindson, Dean of the School of Divinity, Liberty University
“The generous donation by the Larsons reflects their total love for God’s word and commitment to aiding students, faculty, and the community in the study and appreciation of the transmission and preservation of the scriptures.”
— Joseph Holden, President, Veritas Evangelical Seminary